

Fontcab.com does not own the fonts provided on the website. What we try to do is make a giant collection of “commercial-use allowed” fonts so that people can download them for free without having to visit a bunch of different sites.



We try to keep our website as updated as possible. As far as we know, the fonts provided by FontCab.com are all free for commercial use. However, we recommend that you take the time to read the license in the zip file after you download a font..


Something wrong?

If you believe that one (or more) of the fonts has the wrong license, please feel free to let us know by clicking the “Contact us” link that’s at the right handside of the main menu. We’ll do our best to keep all the licenses up to date. Please allow us sometime before changes are made, we get a lot emails and we try our best to read and answer them in a timely manner.


Other Issues?

If you have any other issues concerning the website please let us know about it and we’ll do our best to make things right. Be sure to include your contact information so that we can contact you in case we need to.